Since Adam Lanza shot and killed 20 children and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in December 2012, President Obama and other politicians have vowed to beef up care for the mentally ill. Instead a bill sponsored by Rep. Tim Murphy (R-PA) that would increase funding to programs designed to treat people with severe mental illness has languished in Congress.
Meantime, professionals who help people struggling with mental illness earn less than administrative assistants and insurance agents. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates Data, culled from employer surveys and released once a year in May, mental health counselors, which it defines as people who help those struggling with addiction, substance abuse, stress management and other problems, earn a median salary of just $43,700.

Though none of us are surprised that telemarketers ($22,610), fast food workers ($18,330) and maids ($19,780) earn lousy salaries, we were struck when we discovered that most legislators ($20,620) and radio and TV announcers ($29,020) also make a mean salary of less than $50,000 a year.
More on Forbes: Nine Surprisingly Low-Paying Jobs
To put together our list of surprisingly low-paying jobs, we combed through the BLS list looking for professions we think deserve higher compensation. To make the cut for our list, the average pay of employees in the job had to be less than $50,000—when you’d think it would be more.
Mental health counselors can help prevent another Sandy Hook or Aurora. Legislators do the important work of governing our states, and radio and TV announcers should also be paid more, given their high visibility and the pressure on them to perform consistently, even when there is disastrous news breaking. Reporters and correspondents, many of whom risk their lives in war zones to report vital stories, earn a mean income of just $35,600.
Marriage and family therapists ($48,160) also do important work, trying to keep families knitted together, and when families break up, helping them do so amicably.

We were also surprised to find that firefighters make just $45,600. We don’t need to spell out how important, grueling and dangerous their work is. Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics save lives every day but they earn a paltry mean wage of $31,270. The lowest-paid workers on our list are another group whose efforts can mean the difference between life and death: a category the BLS calls Lifeguards, Ski Patrol, and Other Recreational Protective Service Workers. They make a yearly median salary of just $19,040, which would put a family of four under the 2014 poverty line of $23,850.
More on Forbes: The Best Cities For Working Women In 2015
Another job that’s in the spotlight these days, given New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s push to expand public pre-kindergarten classes: preschool teachers. Though de Blasio’s contention that pre-K boosts school readiness, especially for disadvantaged children, is backed by numerous studies, pre-K teachers earn poorly, with a median salary of just $27,570.
As the national debate continues about raising the federal minimum wage from $7.25 to $10.10, perhaps we should also be discussing how to lift compensation for important jobs, like mental health counselors, firefighters, EMTs and pre-K teachers, whose jobs save and transform lives.
Mental Health Counselors
Median annual income: $40,580
Bottom 10% make: $25,840
Median annual income: $20,620
Bottom 10% make: $16,620
Radio and TV Announcers
Median annual income: $29,020
Bottom 10% make: $17,450
Reporters and Correspondents
Median annual income: $35,600
Bottom 10% make: $20,710
Marriage and Family Therapists
Median annual income: $48,160
Bottom 10% make: $29,980
Median annual income: $45,600
Bottom 10% make: $21,960
Lifeguards, Ski Patrol and Other Recreational Protective Service Workers
Median annual income: $19,040
Bottom 10% make: $16,360
Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics
Median annual income: $31,270
Bottom 10% make: $20,420
Preschool Teachers
Mean annual income: $27,570
Bottom 10% make: $18,420

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