With one sonic boom, three buildings were blown into oblivion.
The horrific gas explosion in East Village on Thursday brought Manhattan to a standstill and left a lingering fear about the city-wide, never-ending building works. 
Two young men are still unaccounted for; two bodies were pulled from the rubble.
Revered photographer Nathan Blaney, who captured the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, was sat feet away in Bull McCabe's bar when the now-destroyed sushi restaurant erupted.
This is the moment emergency services rushed to a gas explosion which blew three East Village buildings into oblivion on Thursday
This is the moment emergency services rushed to a gas explosion which blew three East Village buildings into oblivion on Thursday
Poignant: Revered photographer Nathan Blaney, who captured the 9/11 attacks, was around the corner and documented the scene
Poignant: Revered photographer Nathan Blaney, who captured the 9/11 attacks, was around the corner and documented the scene
Fears: A residents kneels and anxiously clings to an escape ladder as the buildings around her disintegrate
Fears: A residents kneels and anxiously clings to an escape ladder as the buildings around her disintegrate
Workers from Con Edison reportedly visited the building for about 45 minutes. After they left, the owner of the sushi bar smelled gas
Workers from Con Edison reportedly visited the building for about 45 minutes. After they left, the owner of the sushi bar smelled gas
Onlookers gather and tend to people on the ground as the entire front of the restaurant collapsed onto the sidewalk
Onlookers gather and tend to people on the ground as the entire front of the restaurant collapsed onto the sidewalk
Sprinting out the door, he grabbed his camera and documented the scene in a poignant collection of images.
Like his shots of the Twin Towers in 2001, the black smoke pouring out of the East Village cafes and apartments is eerily still in Blaney's photographs.
People are seen walking past covering their faces as an acrid smell permeated the streets. 
Faceless characters drag a man from the wreckage.
And a woman kneels, crying, on an escape ladder as the building disintegrates.  

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3017502/9-11-photographer-captures-moment-three-East-Village-buildings-blown-oblivion-

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